Building Sheboygan’s first universally designed playground! Interested in helping?

We are one of the few lucky charities selected to participate in the Brat Day Challenge this year!!!

All donations placed in the tip jars are split equally amongst the selected charities.

The Jaycees also donate an additional amount to the charities, the larges amount going to the charity with the MOST volunteer hours.

If you know of anyone interested in volunteering at brat days, please use the below link to sign up.

**** Indicate you are volunteering for the charity of “SHAW FAMILY PLAYGROUND*****…/1ycr19CTEr5onM71dyCjgqy…/viewform…

****Don’t forget to mark your volunteering on behalf of the “SHAW FAMILY PLAYGROUND” to ensure we receive the credit in volunteer hours, it’s the only way we will receive the credit *****

Please SHARE this post on your Facebook and feel free to copy and paste and share by email too!

It’s an easy and fun way people can help Sheboygan’s first universally designed playground raise funds and you get some tasty food too!

Brat Days Charity Challenge